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anti lock brake discountsIf you are a younger driver, or you have always bought and driven new vehicles, you might not be aware that there are still cars on the road today which do not have anti-lock brakes. The majority of vehicles produced after the year 2000 came with anti-lock brakes as a standard feature, the same way every vehicle comes with seat-belts and airbags. But due to the fact that these brakes used to be a luxury as opposed to a necessity, you still may be able to get an anti-lock brakes discount from your provider, even to this day.

The Things Anti-Lock Brakes Accomplish

Anti-lock braking systems (or “ABS” for short) protect against tires from locking up when breaking suddenly. This accomplishes two important safety goals which have decreased accidents and injuries from accidents over the past few decades. For one, it prevents tires from locking up and causing the vehicle to fishtail or spin out of control.

Secondly, it reduces the distance a vehicle travels between full-speed and full-stop. In one study, having ABS on a vehicle traveling 50 MPH reduced its full-stop distance by 30 feet – that’s nearly the length of an entire bus! And yes, being able to stop 30 feet sooner can, in many accidents, mean the difference between life and death.

ABS works by automatically micro-pumping the breaks when it detects that a driver wishes to make a sudden stop. At most, your average human driver can try to stop their brakes from locking by manually pumping them 2-3 times per second. An ABS system, on the other hand, can pump them 10-12 times per second. This slows the vehicle down as quickly as possible without the risk of locking the breaks and losing control of the vehicle’s momentum.

However, driver beware – there are some conditions where ABS are less than ideal for safety. Some of those include snow, ice, loose gravel, or dirt roads. No matter whether your vehicle has ABS or was manufactured before our modern age, it’s always important to be careful and be aware of your surroundings.

How Insurance companies Recognize Anti-Lock Brake Systems

ABS immensely improves safety and control for drivers in most on-road situations. The safer your vehicle is, and the more control you have over it, the less likely you are to get into an accident (and the less expensive any claims you file will be). Since anti-lock braking systems have tested reliable for avoiding particular sorts of collisions (and thus certain types of claims), insurance agencies usually supply clients with a discount for possessing an anti-lock braking system.

How to be Certain You Are Receiving an ABS Discount

Vehicles that come pre-built with ABS can easily obtain a 5% markdown on the Collision component of your premium. Should your automobile have ABS, you should ensure you are receiving a good anti-lock brake discount from your current auto insurance company.

Carefully review your affordable insurance policy if you are unsure whether or not you are getting this discount. These days, an ABS discount is so common it might be buried somewhere in the fine print. If you are still unclear, call your insurance company and ask them to explain it to you. If you are still unsure or if they aren’t offering you an ABS discount, then it might be time to find a company that will. Compare quotes here at A-AffordableAutoInsurance.com and find one in minutes!

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