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High risk car insuranceSo you’ve made some mistakes behind the wheel, and you need help finding cheap high risk insurance. Well, you’ve come to the right place. Read on for some helpful advice.

High Risk Insurance – Let us Help You Get Back on the Road

Some providers out there will charge high-risk drivers an arm and a leg just for minimal, basic coverage. Luckily, however, there are providers who realize that high risk drivers are an untapped market and design policies which cater to your needs. But you must also make strides to prove that your past driving mistakes are just that; a thing of the past.

Identifying High Risk Drivers – How Do You Know If You Need a Non Standard Auto Insurance?

  • High Risk Car Models – Sports cars, luxury vehicles, and Hummers will all cost more to insure than other cars.
  • Drivers with previous tickets or accidents – Nobody is perfect, but if you have past blemishes on your driving record, auto insurance companies are likely to charge you higher premiums for it.
  • Reckless Drivers – Whether it’s something significant, like a DUI, or something minor such as a speeding ticket, the rate increase of your premiums will be dependent on the situation.
  • SR-22 Requirement – This is probably the most significant sign of a high-risk driver. Some consider the SR-22 requirement so dangerous that they won’t even offer you an insurance policy. Usually, an SR-22 is the result of a DUI or being found at-fault in a collision while driving without insurance. Some major companies which may refuse to issue you an insurance policy include, but are not limited to: USAA, Infinity, Auto-Owners, Encompass, Nationwide, Liberty Mutual, and more.
  • DUI or DWI – Driving while impaired or under the influence is typically a sign of poor decision making skills. Since most insurance companies know that these types of high-risk drivers are an expensive and dangerous investment, finding insurance after a DUI or a DWI will be extremely confusing. You may need to look for a provider such as the General Auto Insurance Company in order to find the specialized policy you are looking for.
Car Insurance and DUIs Legend: DUI Rates Clean Record California Florida Illinois New York Texas 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 225 $164 $64 $225 $126 $49 $34 $153 $93 $145 $105


  • Elderly Drivers (70+) – Elderly drivers who are older than 65 will also see their insurance premiums rise. Regrettably, older motorists have slow reaction times, poor vision, and are much more likely to get into collisions than even Teenage motorists.
  • Teen Drivers – With both a lack of experience behind the wheel and statistically-proven poor decision making skills, teenage drivers are deemed high-risk drivers. Their premiums will likely be high until the age of 25.
Auto Insurance Rates by Age Legend: 31 Year Old Driver 75 Year Old Driver 16 Year Old Driver California Florida Illinois New York Texas 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 $64 $76 $181 $126 $191 $275 $34 $45 $88 $93 $223 $482 $105 $140 $310


Find Cheap High Risk Auto Insurance – Don’t Let Your Car Insurance Skyrocket

By law, there are certain high risk auto insurance companies which must provide you with the minimum amount of legally-required affordable insurance, even if you are a high risk driver. However, these companies do not have to provide additional coverage, even if you ask for it, and they are probably going to charge you more than they would if you had a cleaner driving record.

It’s all about risk. Statistically speaking, drivers with blemishes on their record are more likely to file claims and cost their insurance company money. Your provider will try and shield against these probable expenses by charging you higher premiums for being a high risk driver.

Do Some Providers Specialize in Non Standard Auto Insurance?

If you are a high risk driver, you should expect to pay higher rates, but there is a limit to what is fair and what is price-gouging. The General Auto Insurance Company is perhaps the most renowned provider of high risk vehicle insurance, but there are others out there. Basically it will all come down to your unique driving history and the nature of your insurance provider. If you can’t find an insurance company willing to provide you with coverage, check and see if your state has a program to help get you covered.

Shopping around is essential. A-AffordableAutoInsurance.com helped many drivers secure an affordable high risk insurance policy. Compare these free auto insurance quotes today and get the best price!

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