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senior auto insuranceExperience behind the wheel is a good thing, but age can take its toll. Find out more about senior car insurance here.

Senior Auto Insurance – Get Instant Quotes & See What You Save

If you are over the age of 70, some insurance companies may view you as a risky driver. In addition to recent driving history, your age will affect how your premium is calculated. As you age, your eyesight will begin to fade and your reaction time will get worse, inhibiting your ability to avoid dangers while driving.

Insurance companies know that drivers age 70 and older are 13% more likely to file claims with their insurance policy than motorists who are in their forties or fifties. Due to this, you will see a premium increase once you turn 70. If you are 80 or over, you may have trouble finding senior auto insurance in the first place.

Adult vs. Senior Auto Insurance Legend: 31 Year Old Driver 75 Year Old Driver California Florida Illinois New York Texas 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 $64 $76 $126 $191 $34 $45 $93 $223 $105 $140


Tips on How to Find Cheap Insurance for Older Drivers

Worry over the rising numbers of elderly drivers and their generally impaired driving skills happens to be expanding. Statistical data gathered from collisions, specifically those accidents in which Deadlyities are reported, show that elderly drivers are disproportionately vulnerable and at a higher risk for getting involved in collisions which result in Deadlyities.

In a study which took place in 1997, the elderly population of the United States was 9%. That same year, however, elderly drivers also made up 14% of Deadlyities in automobile collisions. They also accounted for just over 17% of incidents in which pedestrian deaths were reported.

Here are some statistics on elderly driver automobile accidents:

  • 82% of collision Deadlyities happen while an elderly driver is on the road during the day
  • 71% of collision Deadlyities happen between Monday-Friday
  • 75% of collision Deadlyities involve another vehicle striking or being struck by an elderly driver

And it only gets worse when elderly drivers try to travel long distances. Every year, elderly drivers over the age of 85 are nine times more likely to die in an auto-related accident than everyone between the ages of 25-69 years of age.

Why Car Insurance for Seniors Is More Expensive

For elderly drivers, other important elements such as the make/model of your vehicle, where you park your car at night, your reasons for driving, and your required level of coverage will also be incorporated into your premium calculation. To avoid expensive rates, you must augment these attributes as best you can in order to make yourself a more affordable risk for your insurance company.

Car Insurance Based on Make/Model Legend: High-Risk Vehicle Affordable Sedan California Florida Illinois New York Texas 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 $198 $64 $226 $126 $130 $34 $340 $93 $145 $105


Statistical data regarding age-related driving accidents shows an increased likelihood of collision after the age of 65 years. And once you hit your 75th birthday, the risk of auto-related Deadlyity increases sharply as well. This is mostly due to the fact that an older body is more susceptible to blunt force trauma and less resilient when recovering from a significant injury. Find affordable auto insurance for seniors today.

Senior Citizen Auto Insurance

While these statistics may be a little hard to deal with, the unfortunate reality is that elderly drivers are at greater risk behind the wheel than younger ones. Yes, even teenage drivers are less risky behind the wheel, mostly due to their quicker reaction times.

Auto Insurance Rates by Age Legend: 75 Year Old Driver Teen Drivers (With Discounts) California Florida Illinois New York Texas 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 $175 $76 $382 $191 $93 $45 $457 $223 $263 $140


But if you are over the age of 70, there are some things you can do to lower your premium, read on about senior driving safety tips. First of all, drive a sturdy car with a high safety rating. Limit your driving time and distance. Keep your license current. And make sure you shop around for the best possible senior car insurance rate.

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